Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Much Ado About Nothing, Act 4 Scene 1 Analysis - 1566 Words

Essay: Much Ado About Nothing In Act 4 Scene 1, Shakespeare employs numerous dramatic techniques to create a remarkable and memorable moment in the play. The techniques include: the positioning of the scene in the context of the play as a whole; the successful characterization of the key players, including Leonato, Claudio and Hero in particular; and the use of poetic and descriptive language. To begin with the structure of the play as a whole, the audience would already feel tense because of the previous scene in which Dogberry and Verges failed to communicate the message of Borachio and Conrades arrest. Shakespeare does this not just to create suspense, but also to catch the audiences attention in the play and make them want to keep†¦show more content†¦Comparing it to Hero, he means that she might be beautiful and innocent on the outside, and trick you with that, but is actually not pure and corruptive. Claudio also says that Hero blushes â€Å"like a maid†, suggesting that she blushes with gu iltiness and not modesty. He thinks to know what is really going on and this is an example where he tries to find anything that might go against her. He then accuses her of having â€Å"cunning sin†, referring to the fact that her cuteness will believably cover all her wickedness. Claudio also says that Hero has known a â€Å"luxurious bed†, a shocking accusation which implies that she has slept with another man just the night before their wedding; something extraordinarily shameful for Hero as women at that time were valued for being a virgin up to the time they got married. Claudio then refers to Hero explicitly as an â€Å"approved wanton† in line 41 provides extra shock as his rage is now very high. Calling her a proven whore in front of every one at the wedding is very mean and at the same time scandalous. To analyse Shakespeares portrayal of Hero; Hero remains innocent and composed throughout the scene. She only says: â€Å"and seemed I otherwise to you?à ¢â‚¬  showing her naivety and confusion towards what Claudio is saying. And then wonders: â€Å"is my lord well, that he doth speak so wide?† maintaining a dignified manner and innocently questioning how the situation has come to be so. That Claudio rages at HerosShow MoreRelated Analysis of Much Ado About Nothing Essay3681 Words   |  15 PagesAnalysis of Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing illustrates a kind of deliberately puzzling title that seems to have been popular in the late 1590s (ex quot;As You Like Itquot;). 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