Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management Transformation of Hattersley Electrics †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Management Transformation of Hattersley Electrics. Answer: Introduction Hattersley Electrics is a division of the Hattersley Group PLC which is a United Kingdom based manufacturing organization. The main markets of this group are the high tech aerospace and the defense industries. In current years, the recession in airline industry and the contraction in defense spending by European governments have hampered the division. To overcome the crisis situation, Hattersley Electrics has concentrated to reposition itself within the marketplace of advanced communication equipment for civilians. As part of this it has transformed its focus of productivity, decided to downsize and restructure its workforce. Primarily the workforce was not adverse to transform due to the extensive efforts made by management to keep them aware and engaged at all stages. We found the organizational restructuring division in cells in case of the electronic company and decreasing the workforce from 380 to 250. After restructuring the works council informed the management team of division that the workforce was concerned about the long term benefits of these changes. Particularly they highlighted probable loss of employment, job security in future and lack of division identity, direction from senior management and employee inclusion in current decisions. The issue is only 28% of the employees received questionnaire from production department. a) The methodology of sampling techniques used at each three stages are- Interviews were undertaken with the collaboration of divisions chairperson, six managers and a sample of employees. Employees were selected at random from each cell. The purposes of interviews were to understand the changes of background and to establish the full diversity of opinions with regard to its influence. Additionally, the interviewee covered a range of other challenges relevant with common aspects of the experience of the transformations. In the second stage, a questionnaire was delivered that reflects the challenges originated by interviews in the first stage to 50% of company managers and employees. This sample was taken from a sampling frame generated from the personnel departments staff database and was stratified by department and cell. Within each cell, employees were enlisted according to seniority. All employees other than those in the production department received questionnaire. 28% of those employees in the production department received questionnaire. The numbers sampled in each cell is given in figure2. Overall, response rate to the questionnaire was 97.6%. Two non-responses came from computer systems department and one from the production department. Two personnel from computer system and one from production department refused to put their responses. In the third stage, after the analysis of the responses of questionnaire, three follow-up group interviews were undertaken where each group consists of five or six people. One group consisted of production employees, another of managers from all departments and a third of employees from all departments other than production. In the interviews, challenges that had arisen during the analysis of the questionnaire were sorted out and clarified. b) We choose interview method in first stage because interview method has easy correction of speech, develops the relation between interviewer and interviewee, selection of suitable interviewee, advantage of collection of primary information, collection of sufficient information, time saving process, less costly method, exploration of cause behind the problem, in depth analysis, solution of labor problem and flexibility. In the next stage, we applied sampling frame in interview method because it cuts down the cost of preparing a sampling frame. This can decrease travel and other administrative costs. Besides use of sampling frame are advantages because of accuracy, reliability, less time taking and high suitability. In the third stage, we follow-up the questionnaire method taking a proper sample including production employee, employee and managers as focus group (Barraquand et al., 1997). It is quite comprehensible as the selected sample group is representative of actual population. This method sorts out the difficulties arisen from first stage stratification. It is known that response rate is 97.6%. We are trying to find the accuracy of the questionnaire results for the division. 250 selected employees out of 380 students in the production department received a questionnaire. Therefore, the accuracy rate is = = 250/380= 0.6579 The accuracy is = 1.96 * sqrt [(0.6579*(1-0.6579))/380] = 0.047700437 (Jawlik, 2009). The issues that need to be taken into account when generalizing the results of questionnaire for all employees in each department of the Electric divisions that Production, Technical and Marketing Commercial have their unequal number of different cells. The response could significantly differ of generalized questionnaire from communications to inspection, prototype to testing and marketing to sales. The issues that need to be taken into account when generalizing the results of questionnaire for all employees in all department of the Electric division are all the departments such as Production, Quality, Technical, Personnel, Computer Systems and Marketing and commercial have different expertise. Quality, Computer system and Personnel have low numbers of employees. Production, Technical and Marketing Commercial departments have high number of employees. The questionnaire set could be irrelevant according to the various departments as well as their responses too. Stratification with respect to seniority that is a measure of years of working or age could not solve the actual problem. Only 28% of employees of production department received the questionnaire. The reason may be delivery problem or ignorance towards that field of the higher authority. The issue is non-negligible and inevitable. The response sheet of generalized approach could bring error in sampling scheme and further in analysis. Besides, stratification of sampling scheme with respect to seniority might be irrelevant in many questions of the questionnaire. We could avoid problems by taking into account about whether there were any differences in general perceptions between departments and between managers and employees. Seniority may play a false role in some of the responses. For example, How much is your expectation about promotion? or what is the satisfaction level of your job? The management change in the Hattersley PLC group is dependent up on proper sample surveys. These stratum should be different in each different and different in each cell, not for all cells together with respect to seniority. The specific questionnaire set should be prepared according to the cells and departments. The issue of distributing questionnaire should be solved by quick measure of higher authority. Therefore, response data should be complete and response rate from each cell should be satisfactory. The analytical results then only be fruitful in that business organization. References: Barraquand, J., Kavraki, L., Latombe, J. C., Motwani, R., Li, T. Y., Raghavan, P. (1997). A random sampling scheme for path planning.The International Journal of Robotics Research,16(6), 759-774. Jawlik, A. A. (2009). Margin of Error.Statistics from A to Z: Confusing Concepts Clarified: Confusing Concepts Clarified, 220-222.

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